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ISF Joins UPOV Panel Discussion on Enforcement of Plant Breeders’ Rights

Geneva, Switzerland —ISF Secretary General Michael Keller was among the speakers on a panel discussion on “Practices and Challenges in Enforcement of Plant Breeders’ Rights” organized by UPOV on 5 February.

The discussion was moderated by Yolanda Huerta, UPOV Vice Secretary-General and featured the following panelists:

  • Mr. Diego F. Ortega-Sanabria, Technical Secretary at the Commission of Inventions and New Technologies (INDECOPI), Peru (by virtual means)
  • Ms. Fleur Tuinzing-Westerhuis, Counsel, Houthoff Coöperatief U.A, Netherlands
  • Mr. Ignacio Giacchi, Managing Director, Anti-Infringement Bureau for IP Rights on Plant Material (AIB)
  • Mr. Michael Keller, Secretary-General, International Seed Federation (ISF)
Michael Keller, ISF
Photo: UPOV
UPOV Panel
Photo: UPOV

The discussion explored different experiences related to the infringement of plant breeders’ rights and delved into the practices and challenges surrounding the role of authorities and right holders in enforcement procedures, and highlighted diverse perspectives on how effective enforcement can support innovation in new plant varieties and ensure fairness across the agricultural sector. The panelists concluded that appropriate enforcement plays a key role in protecting all stakeholders in the value chain who invest in, or benefit from new protected plant varieties.

Watch the replay on UPOV’s YouTube Channel.

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