Seed Resilience Project:

Harnessing quality seeds for improving food and nutrition security in Rwanda


The Seed Resilience project aims to facilitate access to high-quality seeds, together with training on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). Access to improved varieties will allow farmers to produce and sell significantly higher yields with better produce quality.

Improved varieties often remain out of reach to most farmers in Africa. By establishing a seed supply chain in Rwanda, we are working to strengthen the private sector’s contribution to empowering farmers, especially smallholders, and enhancing their seed choice.

The project will address three food and nutrition pillars: fresh vegetables for vitamins and fibres, pulses for proteins and soil fertility improvement, and cereals and potatoes for carbohydrates.

An inclusive approach

ISF is working hand in hand with Fair Planet, a non-profit organization with proven and successful experience in working with multiple seed partners in Africa for the benefit of smallholder farmers.

With this initiative, we aim to contribute to building inclusive seed systems by engaging with national and international organizations, farmers, public and private actors, NGOs and civil society.

Get involved!

Take part in enabling smallholder farmers to transform their daily work into a sustainable, profitable source of income. Providing access to improved varieties to farmers offers them the opportunity to:

  • Increase crop productivity and income
  • Increase their capacity to improve local food and nutrition security
  • Improve farm management knowledge

BECOME A PARTNER. You can test your varieties locally and support the project’s budget.
BECOME A SPONSOR. You can support the project financially.
OTHERS. Got other ideas? We look forward to hearing it.

To know more about this project and find out how you can be a partner, contact Dr Alon Haberfeld.

You can also read about it in Fair Planet’s 2023 highlights report.

2024 Milestones

May 2024 – Panel discussion at the ISF World Seed Congress 2024 in Rotterdam

August 2024 – Open field trials and visit to MINAGRI

2023 Milestones

July 2021 – During the UN Food Systems Summit 2021, ISF launched four key initiatives to advance seed resilience to contribute to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. One of the initiatives was to build a flagship project with partners for a sustainable seed system based on inclusiveness in a country.

February 2023 – ISF and Fair Planet signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Meeting with representatives of the Rwandan Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), FAO, CGIAR, AGRA, Rica, Seed Association of Rwanda, and other agencies; Joint field visit

June 2023 – Engagement with the global seed industry t the ISF World Seed Congress in Cape Town, South Africa

August 2023 – First seeds sown at the Horticulture Center of Excellence (HCoE) in Kigali

September 2023 – Transplanting for the first season

November 2023 – Open field day and harvest

December 2023 – First mid-season report to donors and partners