ISHI methods are developed using the collective expertise and experience of its members.

ISHI Methods

The ISHI seed health tests are used for many purposes, such as preventing pathogens moving from one country to another, to clear lots that are healthy for commercialization and for seed producers to make management decisions. The methods developed follow ISHI best practices, and are reviewed at regular intervals and revised, if found necessary. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the user to check that the most recent version of the method is being applied.

The table below presents all the methods.

Contact the ISF Secretariat if you would like to know more about these methods.


ISF cannot guarantee that laboratories following these methods will obtain similar results. Many factors, such as staff skills, laboratory equipment and conditions, reagents and sampling methods can influence the results. Consequently, in case of any litigation ISF will not accept any liability on the use of these methods.

CropPest(s)Method(s)Publication Date
Common NameScientific Name
BeanPhaseolus vulgarisPseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola

Dilution plating

Pathogenicity assay

July 2017
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli var. fuscans

Dilution plating

Identification qPCR

Pathogenicity assay

October 2019
BrassicaBrassica spp.Phoma lingam



July 2017
Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
Xanthomonas campestris pv. raphani
(untreated seed)

Seed extract qPCR

Dilution plating

Identification qPCR

Pathogenicity assay

October 2019
Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
(disinfested/disinfected seed)

Dilution plating

Identification PCR

Pathogenicity assay

July 2017
CarrotDaucus carotaAlternaria dauci



July 2017
Alternaria radicina


Plating (Malt Agar)

July 2017
Plating (A. radicina selective agar)July 2017
Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearumSeed extract qPCRDecember 2023
Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae

Dilution plating

Identification qPCR

Pathogenicity assay

December 2021
Celery, CeleriacApium graveolensSeptoria apiicolaBlotter
Pathogenicity assay (seed wash)
February 2019
Corn saladValerianella locustaAcidovorax valerianellae

Sweat box grow-out

Confirmation PCR

July 2017
Stagonosporopsis valerianellae


Identification PCR

Pathogenicity assay

October 2024
Cucurbit speciesCucurbitaceaeAcidovorax citrulliSeed extract qPCRMay 2021
Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus
Melon necrotic spot virus
Squash mosaic virus
ELISAJuly 2017
LettuceLactuca sativaLettuce mosaic virusELISA (seed and seedlings)July 2017
MelonCucumis meloAcidovorax citrulli

Sweat box grow-out


May 2021
OnionAllium cepaBotrytis alliiPlatingNovember 2023
PeaPisum sativumPea seed-borne mosaic virus
Pea early browning virus
ELISAJuly 2017
Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi

Dilution plating

Identification PCR

Pathogenicity assay

December 2020
PepperCapsicum annuumPospiviroidsSeed extract qPCRMarch 2023



September 2019
Tomato brown rugose fruit virusSeed extract qPCRApril 2024
Xanthomonas spp.

Dilution plating

Identification PCR

Pathogenicity assay

July 2017
SpinachSpinacia oleraceaVerticillium dahliae

Plating (un-treated seeds)

Blotter (treated seeds)

July 2017
SquashCucurbita pepoPseudomonas syringae



Pathogenicity assay

March 2022
TomatoSolanum lycopersicumClavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis

Seed extract qPCR

Dilution plating

Identification PCR

Pathogenicity assay

July 2022
Pepino mosaic virus

Seed extract qPCR



Confirmation ELISA

June 2023
PospiviroidsSeed extract qPCRMarch 2023



July 2019
Tomato brown rugose fruit virusSeed extract qPCRApril 2024
Xanthomonas spp.

Dilution plating

Identification PCR

Pathogenicity assay

July 2017