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phytosanitaryseed health ISHI Glossary of Terms
ISHI Abbreviation of Terms
ISHI-Veg Protocol ISHI Validation Report - Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. in tomato seed by SE-qPCR pre-screening assay (July 2022)
ISHI-Veg Protocol Detection of Clavibacter michiganesnsis subsp. michiganensis in Tomato Seed (July 2022)
Differential sets - Fol race 4
ISF Passalora fulva project tomato - Final report (2019-2022)
Differential sets - Passalora fulva (May 2022)
ISHI-Veg Protocol ISHI-Veg Protocol Squash Pseudomonas syringae (March 2022, v1)
ISHI-Veg Protocol ISHI-Veg Validation Report - Squash Pseudomonas syringae, (March 2022)
best practicesphytosanitary ISHI-Veg Best Practices - Dilution Plating
best practicesphytosanitary ISHI-Veg Best Practices - Fungal Blotter Plating 2021
phytosanitary ISHI-Veg Protocol Tomato PepMV (March 2021)