Other resources
Press releases On their joint centennial forum, ISTA and ISF strengthen cooperation for a food-secure future
trade Big Take-Aways WTO Annual Agriculture Symposium 2024
Press releases Sowing a vibrant future: the seed sector furthers its engagement for sustainable agriculture
Press releases ISF calls for continued seed supply to Ukraine
concept paper A Systems Approach for Seed: an alternative option for phytosanitary certification
seed statistics Seed Imports 2020
seed statistics Seed Exports 2020
ISHI-Veg Protocol ISHI Validation Report - Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. in tomato seed by SE-qPCR pre-screening assay (July 2022)
ISHI-Veg Protocol Detection of Clavibacter michiganesnsis subsp. michiganensis in Tomato Seed (July 2022)
training manual ISPM 38 on the International Movement of Seed - Training Manual
statement Statement on the increasing adoption of restrictive phytosanitary regulation by several goverments
trade ISF Guidelines for Handling Disputes on Essential Derivation of Maize Lines
ISHI-Veg Protocol ISHI-Veg Protocol Squash Pseudomonas syringae (March 2022, v1)
ISHI-Veg Protocol ISHI-Veg Validation Report - Squash Pseudomonas syringae, (March 2022)
training manual NIMF 38 sobre el Movimiento internacional de semillas
phytosanitarystatementtrade Statement on the increasing adoption of restrictive phytosanitary regulation by several governments
seed statisticstrade Exports of seed for sowing by country – Calendar year 2018
terms of referencetrade Market access TOR and reporting sheet
statementtrade Current outbreaks of COVID-19 and the international movement of seeds
phytosanitarytrade International Movement of Treated Seed
training manual ISPM 38 on the International Movement of Seeds - A Training Manual
press release New standard to facilitate the international movement of seed