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phytosanitary ISF Systems Approach Expert Group Vision and Mission Statement
Press releases Seed trade crucial to curb global food insecurity
Press releases Sowing a vibrant future: the seed sector furthers its engagement for sustainable agriculture
Press releases ISF calls for continued seed supply to Ukraine
ISF project report Melon Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis (Fom) ISF Project - Summary Report
ISF project report Melon Fusarium wilt (Fom) - ISF Project Report
phytosanitaryseed health ISHI Glossary of Terms
ISHI Abbreviation of Terms
definition of termsphytosanitary 蔬菜和观赏种子行业用于描述植物对病虫害反应的术语定义1
definition of termsphytosanitary Definizione della Terminologia per Descrivere la Risposta delle piante ai Pest1 per l’Industria sementiera di Ortive e Ornamentali
definition of termsphytosanitary Sebze ve Süs Amaçlı Tohum Endüstrisi Kapsamında Bitkilerin Bitki Zararlılarına Tepkilerini Açıklayan Terminoloji Tanımları
definition of termsphytosanitary 野菜と観賞植物種苗業界のための有害生物 1 に対する植物の反応を表す用語の定義
definition of termsphytosanitary Definiciones de la terminología que Describe las Reacciones de las Plantas a las Plagas1 para la Industria de Semillas de Hortalizas y Ornamentales
definition of termsphytosanitary Definities van de terminologie gebruikt voor het beschrijven van de reacties van planten op ziekten en plagen door de groente- en bloemzaad bedrijven
definition of termsphytosanitary Définitions de la terminologie décrivant les réactions des plantes aux ravageurs1 pour l'industrie des semences potagères et ornementales
definition of termsphytosanitary Definitions of the Terminology Describing the Reactions of Plants to Pests for the Vegetable and Ornamental Seed Industry
seed statistics Seed Imports 2020
seed statistics Seed Exports 2020
ISHI-Veg Protocol ISHI Validation Report - Tomato Cmm SE qPCR, July 2022
ISHI-Veg Protocol ISHI Validation Report - Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. in tomato seed by SE-qPCR pre-screening assay (July 2022)
ISHI-Veg Protocol Detection of Clavibacter michiganesnsis subsp. michiganensis in Tomato Seed (July 2022)
training manual ISPM 38 on the International Movement of Seed - Training Manual
statement Statement on the increasing adoption of restrictive phytosanitary regulation by several goverments
Technical Opinion Tobamovirus outbreaks in Solanaceae are not linked to use of indicator plant tests: A retrospective analysis
Technical Opinion High Throughput Sequencing in Seed Health Testing
Differential sets - Fol race 4
ISF Passalora fulva project tomato - Final report (2019-2022)
Differential sets - Passalora fulva (May 2022)
ISHI-Veg Protocol ISHI-Veg Protocol Squash Pseudomonas syringae (March 2022, v1)
ISHI-Veg Protocol ISHI-Veg Validation Report - Squash Pseudomonas syringae, (March 2022)
pestpest codepestsphytosanitaryplant pests Pest Codes for Vegetable Crops (Jan 2022)
training manual NIMF 38 sobre o Movimento Internacional de Sementes
training manual NIMF 38 sobre el Movimiento internacional de semillas
phytosanitarystatementtrade Statement on the increasing adoption of restrictive phytosanitary regulation by several governments
best practicesvegetables Good practices for Healthy Vegetable Seed Production
phytosanitarystatement Seed sector supports international day of plant health
statementtrade Current outbreaks of COVID-19 and the international movement of seeds
phytosanitary Joint letter from ISTA and ISF on the extension of accreditation certificates for seed health testing laboratories (2020)
definition of terms Definition of the Terms Describing the Reaction of Plants to Pests for the Vegetable Seed Industry (Korean)
definition of terms 蔬菜种子产业关于描述植物对病虫害反应术语的定义
definition of terms Definities van de begrippen die de reactie van planten op ziekten en plagen beschrijven voor gebruik door groentezaadbedrijven
definition of terms Sebze Tohumu Endüstrisi için Bitkilerin Zararlılara karşı dayanıklılığını1 Betimleyen Terimlerin Tanımı
definition of terms 野菜種子業界のための植物の対病害虫反応に関する用語の定義
definition of termsphytosanitary Definition of the Terms Describing the Reaction of Plants to Pests for the Vegetable Seed Industry (English)
phytosanitarytrade International Movement of Treated Seed
phytosanitary Real-time PCR, an ‘indirect’ test used for pre-screening in seed health methods
definition of terms Termini impiegati per la descrizione della reazione delle piante ai parassiti nel settore delle sementi orticole
definition of terms Definition der in der Gemüsesaatgutwirtschaft verwendeten Begriffe für die Reaktion von Pflanzen auf Schaderreger
definition of terms Definición de los Términos que Describen la Reacción de las Plantas Frente a Plagas para la Industria de Semillas Hortícolas
training manual ISPM 38 on the International Movement of Seeds - A Training Manual
press release New standard to facilitate the international movement of seed